Constructivist / Emotivist is one of the 15 Reinin dichotomies. More research is needed to fully understand this dichotomy.
Constructivists try to get into the right mindset for an activity and it takes time for them to get from one mindset to another. When they are at home, they are mentally prepared for anything that could happen at home and when they are at work, they switch over to work-mentality. They can get overwhelmed by emotions because once they get into an emotional state, they stay in that emotional state for a long time. Constructivists avoid emotional contact with others and they don't think it's necessary to adjust to the conversation emotionally. They use automatic polite responses and customs, like starting with "how are you?" or offering their guests coffee or tea. Practical conversation (talking "business") is easier for them. They like to repeat emotional states - rereading books, watching movies that they have already seen and revisiting places they liked. They avoid movies, situations and people who give them a negative mindset, because they have a difficult time getting rid of that mindset. Constructivists use emotional anchors (carefully chosen music, books, movies) to keep or strengthen their internal emotional state.
Emotivists try to enter the emotional atmosphere of the conversation and they try to keep the emotion in the conversation positive. They can talk about various things they have no interest in or do not believe in simply for the sake of maintaining a "positive spirit". Talking business is more difficult and the conversation topic can wander off into emotional exchange. They try to get new experiences and new emotions, which is why they travel to new places and rarely watch movies they have already seen. In emotivists calls for action/requests are not critically estimated and because of it they can get overwhelmed by them. After getting into a theme they stay in that mode of operation for a prolonged period of time and have difficulty switching, "disconnecting" (and because of it try to avoid unpleasant requests).
Typical Characteristics
- Tend to minimize the emotional elements of interaction, preferring to focus on the 'business' elements.
- Have emotional 'anchors' (eg, books, films, places) which they use to support their internal emotional state.
- Can become 'emotionally hooked', and can have a strong reaction to a particular part or section regardless of their feelings towards the entirety.
- Have greater difficulty disassociating from others' emotions and experiences than from requests for action or consideration.
- "I prefer when people offer concrete solutions instead of comfort or sympathy."
- Tend to concentrate foremost on the emotional background of interaction, with 'business' a secondary concern.
- Prefer the new and novel over the old and known.
- Information perceived as unprofessional or low-quality can leave them indifferent.
- Have greater difficulty disassociating from requests for action or consideration than from others' emotions and experiences.
- "If a conversation is emotionally negative, I consider it wasted."