Judicious / decisive (also: Reasonable / resolute) is one of the 15 Reinin dichotomies. Judicious types include Alphas and Deltas and value extroverted intuition (Ne) and introverted sensing (Si); Decisive types include Betas and Gammas and value introverted intuition (Ni) and extroverted sensing (Se).
Typical Characteristics
- Natural state is relaxed.
- Work best when they can relax beforehand, and are mobilized only for the duration necessary.
- Have an easy time going from 'mobilized' to 'relaxed', but not from 'relaxed' to 'mobilized'. Thus, they may need external stimuli to become mobilized.
- Tend to divide up matters into smaller stages during which they are mobilized, relaxing between each stage.
- Become aware of their own mobilization as soon as it manifests, i.e., as soon as they start considering an action. However, they are often poorly aware of the periods of maximal mobilization, i.e., the time of action.
- Focuses and places the most importance on the preparatory stage, the 'action' stages are considered implicit and given less attention.
- Consider their working conditions (e.g., comfort, freedom, and convenience) more important than the possible results and rewards (e.g., how much they are paid)
- This attitude is strengthened by introversion.
- More aware of when they are mobilized than when they are relaxed.
- "Consideration is very nice, that time during which you still don't have to make a decision. It's even better when it isn't necessary to do anything afterwards."
- Natural state is readiness.
- Work best if they are able to tart mobilizing in preparation for what they must do.
- Easily go from 'relaxed' to 'mobilized', but not from 'mobilized' to 'relaxed'. Thus, they may need external stimuli (like a movie) to relax.
- Tend to perform an entire task at once, and to maintain their internal 'readiness' between tasks.
- Become of aware of their own mobilization at its maximals (e.g., when it is time for action). However, they are often poorly aware of when the mobilization firsts manifests; e.g., when they first start considering an action.
- Focuses and places the most importance on taking action, preparation is considered implicit and given less attention.
- Consider the possible results and rewards of their work (e.g., how much they are paid) more important than the working conditions (e.g., comfort, freedom, and convenience).
- This attitude is strengthened by extroversion
- More aware of when they are relaxed than when they are mobilized
- "I will not get stuck in the process of consideration; it always ends in a decision being made."