First Set of Questions
Self Type
Q. 1
I am attuned to people, relationships, and emotions.
I am attuned to logic, knowledge, and empirical data.
Q. 2
I easily identify objects/concepts that are tangible or concrete.
I easily identify objects/concepts that are intangible or abstract.
Q. 3
I consider the impact of a decision on others' wellbeing.
I consider the logical correctness or efficiency of a decision.
Q. 4
I am aware of my surrounding environment and what is presently occurring.
I am aware of possibilities and potential events not presently occurring.
Q. 5
I struggle understanding others' feelings and empathizing with them.
I struggle understanding logical reasoning.
Q. 6
I have trouble remembering and/or focusing on tangible details and objects.
I have trouble understanding abstract or intangible concepts.
Q. 7
I have trouble dealing with others on a personal level.
I have trouble dealing with others on a impersonal level.
Q. 8
I am often unaware of what is going on around me.
I am often unaware of hidden associations or connections.
Q. 9
I view the world using systems, structures, and classifications.
I view the world through my interpersonal relationships as well as those of others.
Q. 10
I view the world using empirical data, function, and productivity.
I view the world through my emotional state, as well as others' emotional states.
Q. 11
I view the world as a malleable environment I can easily affect change in.
I view the world as a starting point for generating other, unrealized, possibilities.
Q. 12
I view the world through the colors, textures, sounds, compositions, tastes, etc. within it.
I view the world as a starting point for determining/conceptualizing trends, patterns, or imagery.
Q. 13
I use general principles and rules when making decisions or reaching conclusions.
I use a system of morality, right/wrong, or just/unjust when making decisions or reaching conclusions.
Q. 14
I follow factual, objective information when making decisions or reaching conclusions.
I follow my heart when making decisions or reaching conclusions.
Q. 15
I jump to many conclusions, without necessarily caring to realize any of them.
I focus on realizing my conclusions and generally succeed in these realizations.
Q. 16
I prefer to live in the past and future.
I prefer to live in the present.
Q. 17
I care about productivity, function, efficiency, effecting change, building, engineering, business, and/or acquiring power.
I care about greater societal needs and problems; I have interests in philosophy, art, psychology, sociology, and/or politics or similar fields.
Q. 18
I care about people, making connections with them, and interpersonal interactions. I often enjoy hosting and going to parties, gossip, familial interaction, and other types of activities that value or emphasize socialization.
I care about researching areas of interest. I often put much thought and time into an area of interest, finding information on the topic, making conclusions and deductions, and then presenting these plans, hypotheses, theories, and predictions.
Q. 19
I am very pragmatic and seek to improve my own individual position.
I am a humanitarian and seek to improve society.
Q. 20
I value socializing as a means to improve people's mood and/or to strengthen my relationships with those people.
I value understanding and knowledge with less emphasis on either my personal benefit or that of society\s.
Q. 21
I feel energized when I'm interacting with other people; being alone for extended periods of time starts to become draining.
I feel energized when I'm by myself; interacting with other people for extended periods of time starts to become draining.
Q. 22
I tend to initiate conversations and enjoy inviting others out/over.
I tend to prefer the other person initiate conversation and enjoy being invited out/over by others.
Q. 23
My thoughts tend to be focused externally, on the people, objects, and activities in my surrounding environment.
My thoughts tend to be focused internally, on myself and how I fit in with the world.
Q. 24
I prefer open schedules, where I take things as they come and plans can change at any time.
I prefer structure to my life; I appreciate well planned schedules and organization.
Q. 25
I am quite effective at dealing with fast-changing situations and find that stable environments become boring.
I am quite effective when operating in a stable environment and will often struggle dealing with constantly changing situations where large amounts of new information are coming in.
Q. 26
I accept new information readily, preferring to judge it and place it into a larger framework later.
I screen new information first--by judging its veracity and attempting to fit it into my framework of reality--before choosing to accept it.
Q. 27
I prefer to focus on the aspects of reality that are changing.
I prefer to focus on the aspects of reality that remain constant.
Q. 28
You view the cup as half full.
You view the cup as half empty.
Q. 29
Naturally reach the result first, caring less for the process you used to reach it.
Focus on the right process, discussing it at length, with the assumption that the right process will lead to the right result in the end.
Please answer more questions