The Socionics Test

Your Socionics Test Result: ILI-2Te

aka INTp, The Critic, Intuitive Logical Introvert,
Link to this result:
Using introverted intuition as his base function and extroverted thinking as his creative, the ILI is capable of deep and vivid imagery as well as the ability to analyze the correctness of conclusions. In fact, the ILI is excellent at critiquing everything from someone's statements and conclusions to the food he eats. They have an inherent understanding of the weak points in any argument, and they are particularly adept at identifying both empirical weaknesses and logical inconsistencies. As paradoxical as it might sound, the ILI has both the ability to foresee future trends and events, while at the same time refusing to make any assumptions that lack a thorough empirical backing. At his best, the ILI will act as a very useful advisor, pointing out weaknesses and flaws that he sees, while also making suggestions for improvements. At his worst, the ILI's penchant for deep and secluded thoughts, coupled with his refusal to sacrifice truth and accuracy in favor of diplomacy, can result in leaving him socially isolated.

Learn more about the ILI:

Test Result Details

Note that the results below may not be 100% consistent with the overall sociotype result; this is relatively common and does not necessarily mean the overall result is incorrect. Rather, the results below are based solely on the answers to the questions.

Other Possible Types
  1. SLI (ISTp): 81% as likely as ILI
    Compare/Contrast ILI and SLI
  2. LII (INTj): 77% as likely as ILI
    Compare/Contrast ILI and LII
  3. LIE (ENTj): 76% as likely as ILI
    Compare/Contrast ILI and LIE
Quadra Preference
  1. Alpha: 23%
  2. Beta: 18%
  3. Gamma: 30%
  4. Delta: 29%
Model A Strengths and Values
  1. Leading: Ni
    • Strength: 30%
    • Value: 30%
  2. Creative: Te
    • Strength: 45%
    • Value: 45%
  3. Role: Si
    • Strength: 20%
    • Value: 20%
  4. Vulnerable: Fe
    • Strength: 5%
    • Value: 5%
  5. Suggestive: Se
    • Strength: 20%
    • Value: 30%
  6. Mobilizing: Fi
    • Strength: 5%
    • Value: 45%
  7. Ignoring: Ne
    • Strength: 30%
    • Value: 20%
  8. Demonstrative: Ti
    • Strength: 45%
    • Value: 5%