Type Comparison: EII (INFj) and ESI (ISFj)

Socionics Characteristics

Observable Differences in Behavior

  1. EII are rmore relaxed in their natural state than ESI. However EII will mobilize and concentrate when needed to accomplish an objective. After the task has been completed, EII demobilize again. This state of demobilization is the natural state of EII.
  2. When contemplating a task, it takes EII longer time to mobilize than ESI; i.e., EII prefer to spend some time in a more natural state of relaxedness which will then prepare them to subsequently mobilize and concentrate at the crucial moments, improving their performance.
  3. When working on a project, EII are more likely than ESI to break up larger tasks into several stages. Then EII mobilize to carry out each stage (and demobilize between the stages).
  4. When getting ready to start a project, EII spend more time planning and preparing for the project than ESI. In particular, EII spend more time discussing the plan, discussing options and ways to approach the project, etc.)
  5. When describing their reasoning for their actions, EII (more so than ESI) tend describe how and why they came to a certain decision, and focus less on the timing and initiation of the action.
  6. When it comes to completing a task, ESI are more likely than EII to mobilize for longer periods of time. Specifically, ESI tend to mobilize for an action early and stay mobilized for a longer period of time after the task has been completed. For ESI, this state of readiness is their natural state.
  7. ESI are more likely than EII to tackle a task in its entirety, rather than breaking it up into smaller separate stages.
  8. When doing a task, ESI are inclined to work for the sake of the result (for example, a reward or bonus for completing the task). In contrast to EII, ESI can renounce their comforts and conveniences for this; ESI evaluate their place of work by looking at what returns they get for the effort they invested (e.g., monetary, prestige, etc.).
  9. When describing why they undertook a project, ESI are more likely than EII to focus on the moment when a decision is made and to speak in detail about the stages of its implementation.
  10. When discussing work, ESI are more likely than EII to focus on the fruits of their labor, about what their effort will yield. EII on the other hand are more likely to focus on the environment they work in, e.g., their work conditions, conveniences, commute time, etc.
  11. EII tend to be more idealistic with their heads-in-the-cloud. ESI, on the other hand, are more realistic and down-to-earth.
  12. ESI are better at noticing details than EII. EII on the other hand, are better at seeing the big picture than ESI.
  13. EII are more focused on ideas and concepts than ESI. On the other hand, ESI are more focused (than EII) on their surroundings.
  14. ESI are more naturally comfortable with physical confrontations than EII.
  15. EII are often more interested in the idea or theory of something, whereas ESI are more interested in the actual practice or implementation of it.
  16. When planning to complete something, EII are more likely to focus their attention on the goal itself, overlooking and deprioritizing the individual actions needed to reach that goal. On the other hand, ESI tend to focus their attention on the each action; i.e., they're focused on how each decision and choice is being made (towards reaching the goal), in a step by step process.
  17. ESI are able to change and make adjustments to their goals more easily than EII (depending on how progress is being made, etc.). EII on the other hand, prefer to stick with their original goals.
  18. EII tend to judge their available options by how likely the option will help them reach their goal. If a choice no longer helps EII reach their goals, it will be dismissed and discontinued. On the other hand, ESI prefer to continue pursuing their current option, opting to adjust their ultimate goal in order to fit the current choice.
  19. When solving a problem, EII rely more heavily on their generalized past experiences than ESI. EII are inclined to use already prepared, preformulated methods and processes to solve a problem.
  20. When solving a problem, ESI are more inclined (than EII) to solve it by relying predominantly on only the presently available information. Essentially, ESI will develop a process or method uniquely fitted towards the present problem, and this method is designed using the present conditions and information.
  21. EII are more likely than ESI to perceive and distinguish themselves primarily through personal qualities. EII focus on individualism more than ESI.
  22. EII attitude towards a specific person (more so than ESI) is based on their personal characteristics (authority, intellect, personal achievements, etc.) EII recognize superiority of certain individuals drawing from their personal qualities
  23. ESI, more than EII, frequently perceives and defines themselves and other people through group associations. ESI focus on collectivism over individualism.
  24. When ESI form opinions of others, these opinions are formed under the influence of their attitude towards the group to which the person belongs. To ESI, it is incomprehensible how it is possible to belong to two opposing groups at the same time:, i.e., "you're either with us, or with them and against us."
  25. ESI are often able to form quicker opinions of others they have just met than EII. This is based on the ability of ESI to draw conclusions about the person based on the groups the person belongs to; EII are more reluctant to make these inferences.
  26. EII pay more particular attention to aspects of a situation or plan that are insufficient or lacking. This can be interpreted by others as EII having a negative assessment of various situations and events (.e.g, "the glass is half empty). On the other hand, ESI pay more attention to what is actually present in a situation, and this can be interpreted as an affirmative or positive manifestation of the surrounding world, situations, possibilities, and prospects (e.g. "the glass is half full").
  27. When assessing an option or available choice, ESI tend to focus more on how the choice could benefit them (what it would potentially yield) than EII would. On the other hand, EII would be more cognizant of the potential risks and potential losses that may accompany the decision that ESI may unconsciously minimize.
  28. When developing a plan of action or process, ESI tend to see themselves as "within the process"; they are immersed in it. Often because of this, they have more difficulty managing several plans at once. On the other hand, EII tend to place themselves "outside of the process"; they dissociate from it. For them the process or situation is something external from themselves.
  29. When working on a project, EII experience more discomfort (than ESI) if the project does not have a clearly delineated end-goal or result. This happens because EII have more difficulty monitoring and understanding how the project is developing than ESI because they are outside of the process.
  30. When conversing, ESI types are inclined to communicate in the form of monologues, where each party has "its turn." Because of that they subconsciously attempt to transform a dialogue into a series of monologues. Conversely, EII tend to prefer more of a question and answer style format.

Compare/Contrast Sociotypes